I recently wrote something like the following Haskell:

divOrFail :: Either Int String -> Int -> Either Int String
divOrFail (Left d) n
  | n==0 = Right ("Cannot divide by 0")
  | (d`mod`n)/=0 = Right ("Cannot divide "++show d++" by "++show n)
  | otherwise = Left $ d`div`n
divOrFail (Right e) _ = (Right e)

applyAll :: Foldable f => (Either a err -> b -> Either a err) -> a -> f b -> Either a err
applyAll func start xs = foldl func (Left start) xs

The original was a bit more complicated but this preserves the bug in the original. So lets break this down a bit (or skip it if you like).

Lets start with the more complicated part. In particular this type signature:

applyAll :: Foldable f => (Either a err -> b -> Either a err) -> a -> f b -> Either a err

So, first ignore the type constraints (the Foldable f => bit) we can come back to it. Our arguments are:

  • a function that takes something of type b and either an a value or an error,
  • a start value
  • a thing holding things of type b (looking at the constraint, we can see that the 'bunch' is foldable which lets us do some neat stuff on it).

applyAll then uses foldl to repeatedly apply a function on a value (or an error), accumulating the result.

applyAll func start xs = foldl func (Left start) xs

So, that was all 'simple'. What could go wrong? /s

The other part of the code snippet is fairly straightforward:

divOrFail :: Int -> Either Int String -> Either Int String

This is a function that takes two things:

  • an Int
  • something that is either an Int or a String
divOrFail n (Left d)
  | n==0 = Right ("div by 0")
  | (d`mod`n)/=0 = Right ("Cannot divide "++show d++" by "++show n)
  | otherwise = Left $ d`div`n

When the 'something' is an Int that is a multiple of n we divide it by n and return the result. If it is not divisible, we return a 'Right' containing an error message of the form (e.g. 'Cannot divide 3 by 2') which tells the user that the number wasn't able to be divided.

divOrFail _ (Right e) = (Right e) When the 'something' is a string, we return the string (e.g. an error message).

This allows me to write things like:

> applyAll divOrFail 120 [1,2,3]
Left 20
> 1*2*3*20 == 120
> applyAll divOrFail 13 [3,0,1]
Right "Cannot divide by 0"
> applyAll divOrFail 12 [3,4,2]
Right "Cannot divide 1 by 2"

Hopefully it's clear now that this could be handy (even though it is just a toy example).

The catch

So, this is pretty good, right?

Well, not quite. See, I made a simple (foolish) mistake when I used this function.

Unfortunately I didn't write:

applyAll divOrFail 13 [3,0,1]

I wrote:

applyAll divOrFail 13 (Left [3,0,1])

Now this seems like it will error as Either [Int] b is a different type to [Int], but it doesn't. Let's check the types involved in ghci:

> :t [3,0,1]
[3,0,1] :: Num a => [a]

> :t Left [3,0,1]
Left [3,0,1] :: Num a => Either [a] b

So, we might have expected the types [a] and Either [a] b to be too different to fit in the same 'hole' (I did when I first found my bug).

But what does ghci say when I ask for the type (without the problematic argument)?

> :t applyAll divOrFail 13
applyAll divOrFail 13 :: Foldable f => f Int -> Either Int String

I'd never restricted the type to a list making applyAll divOrFail a polymorphic function. In fact, applyAll divOrFail could take any foldable over Ints. A lot of different data types implement Foldable, most of the 'container' types (e.g. List, Set, Map) have a Foldable instance. So this tells us that Either [a] has a Foldable instance. A quick search on the Haskell function search tool 'hoogle' finds the package Data.Foldable and tada.

We can now have a look at Either's Foldable instance, specifically, the foldr implementation (it's foldl is implemented using foldr).

foldr _ z (Left _) = z
foldr f z (Right y) = f y z

We're passing in a Left in this case, so we can just look at that first line which takes 'something', z and a Left and returns z. It clearly is ignoring the value inside the Left!

Looking at the second line, as can see that it is the Right side of the either that the foldr is running the function on.

We can see a similar thing looking at the types.

In fact, if we think a bit more about the type Either a b it makes sense that the f in our applyAll function isn't being matched by Either, it's being matched by Either a. This means that the 'contents' of our polymorphic type, f, is b, not a.

TLDR: I had the arguments to Either around the wrong way and Either err acts as if it were a list of 0 or 1 elements.

Here's the code from above